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Inclusion 360º is ion’s flagship course, which teaches the fundamentals of workplace inclusivity and emotional intelligence. In order to resonate with all types of professionals, from biochemists to engineers, I chose to stick to the basics. Everyone has associations with different colors, movements, forms, and general metaphors. This design system is simple, clear, and subtly playful.

inclusive design

When designing visuals for inclusive education, contrast is key. All designs go through multiple visual checks to ensure no information is lost for people with different kinds of vision.


The ion brand guidelines have a rich color palette with endless possibilities. Inclusion 360’s palette starts with blue and teal and expands into a world of color. Multiple backgrounds create contrast and variety.

many modules

Inclusion 360º has six modules of learning, taken over the course of several months. This means the design system has to accommodate 6 months of content. The course has a consistent look, but each module introduces a new leitmotif, keeping things fresh and engaging.


Dropping the frame rate to 12fps gives movement a jittery look, reminiscent of hand-drawn animation and stop-motion. Most learners rarely notice the difference, but they feel the warmth and whimsy that it brings.


Poppins comes from the ion brand guidelines, and it dominates most type in Inclusion 360º. But sometimes variety can help communicate a point and establish informational hierarchy — that’s where Freude and Alkaline come in. Freude adds a sense of play and softness to secondary information and captions. And Alkaline mimics ultra-legible cursive handwriting for a fun flourish.

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inclusive by design

Teaching people to be inclusive is important work, because everyone deserves to be included and safe at work (and everywhere else). It’s the core of this course’s content, and it’s at the heart of every design decision.

Inclusion 360º is a part of the ion.ACADEMY™ course catalog, available to subscribers.
Visit ionlearning.com for more information.

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